Gail Stubbings

Parramatta Girls Home & Hay Institute for Girls

My life has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I had 50 years of hatred bottled away as a result of child abuse. I used various substances for years to try and free myself from the chains of my experiences in Parramatta Girls Home and my ordeal in the Hay Institute for Girls, but nothing worked.

Peter Kelso and his staff at Kelso Lawyers guided me through the compensation process and referred me to a lovely psychologist who I am still seeing today.

Throughout this process, I have been able to open up about my past and I am no longer using drugs.

I am finally free!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me. Thank you for freeing me.

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Deb Henbie

Jade and Grace are the most beautiful, caring human beings. Throughout all of this they have been very supportive, caring and understanding of my situation.

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Dionne Paige

My claim was highly sensitive and emotionally challenging at times. However, my lawyer, Jodie and her assistant, Kayla, were totally compassionate. They were my rock

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I was very pleased when I heard that there would be a Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. To me it was time for recognition

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