High Court sides with abuse victims: controversial Catholic Church tactics rejected
As written by the founder and principal of Kelso Lawyers, Peter Kelso As a former State Ward and long-term advocate for victims of child abuse,
As written by the founder and principal of Kelso Lawyers, Peter Kelso As a former State Ward and long-term advocate for victims of child abuse,
The Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria has the power to remove children from their parents if the child is thought to be
Court proceedings against 22-year-old swim teacher Kyle Daniels have continued with a video interview between police and one of Daniel’s underage victims. Nine young girls
Over two weeks in 2015, the Royal Commission heard shocking evidence revealing the dark history of child sexual abuse and cover-ups at the prestigious Knox
Victims of institutional child sex abuse in Queensland can have their old Forde Scheme payments reviewed and topped up because of new laws. The Queensland
“IF THEY GET WIND OF THIS WE COULD HAVE A REAL PROBLEM ON OUR HANDS” Institutions have been lying to victims of abuse in Australia
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