Queensland institutions have a lot to answer for. Queensland has had more sexual predators “pound for pound” than any other state in Australia — you can see it in the QLD sex offenders list below. Children have been abused in religious institutions, schools, foster care and other forms of out-of-home care. In fact, many survivors in Queensland suffered in out-of-home care institutions like Neerkol, Riverview, Boystown Beaudesert and Alkira.
The children were physically, mentally and sexually abused on a regular basis while being forced to stay in deplorable living conditions. Paedophiles in Queensland were allowed access to vulnerable children who had nowhere to go and no one to tell. Out-of-home care was a petri dish of paedophile rings and abuse.
Paedophiles in Brisbane and Queensland cannot hide from us. At Kelso Lawyers, our goal is to expose the crimes of Queensland sex offenders.
The names on our sex offenders list in QLD are part of a larger cultural problem. Australia has been a hub of clergy sexual abuse since colonisation — the Royal Commission estimated that there are 60,000 victims of abuse relating to religious organisations, although the numbers could be much higher.
Paedophiles in Brisbane and Queensland are certainly a part of the problem.
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