Alleged Paedophile Offender: John McIver (The Salvation Army)
In the 1960s and 70s, Salvation Army Captain John Dalziel McIver allegedly terrorised young boys in his charge at Salvation Army Boys Homes in Sydney
In the 1960s and 70s, Salvation Army Captain John Dalziel McIver allegedly terrorised young boys in his charge at Salvation Army Boys Homes in Sydney
WARNING: This article includes references to suicide that some readers may find upsetting. Reader discretion is advised. In court, Father Paul David Ryan’s crimes were
St Joseph’s Home (otherwise known as the Neerkol Orphanage) was the last place on earth for hundreds of wards of the state in Queensland. The
The last thing a school counsellor should be doing is exacerbating problems or traumatising students further. However, Brisbane Grammar School’s former counsellor, Kevin Lynch, used
Neerkol Orphanage (otherwise known as St Joseph’s Home) was one of the worst institutions in Queensland for child physical and sexual abuse. The Royal Commission
Neerkol Orphanage was a sad place for State wards from the moment it was established in 1885. The orphanage was built to accommodate children transferred
Quite often, paedophile priests go decades without being punished or caught for their crimes. Sometimes offenders are protected by fellow priests and allowed to keep
Father Neville Creen sexually abused at least 20 children throughout the 1970s. He used the position of trust he had as a minister at the
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